Available resources
The battle against pornography can seem overwhelming. You don’t need to be the expert. However, the more you do know, the better prepared you will be. Below are a few excellent resources developed by professional medical and spiritual leaders in the battle against pornography. They provide a wide range of information from brain science to theology to parenting and more.
Catholic therapists
Some may need professional help, depending on how deeply their pornography habit is rooted in their lives and the wounds that may be driving the habit.
To find a local, Catholic therapist, please visit the Catholic Therapists.com web site.
Please contact the parish office for a list of local therapists.
Web sites

Covenant Eyes is an excellent resource available for those who want to quit pornography, as well as for parents to protect their families. They are the pioneer of Internet and Screen Accountability software and they are the corporate leader in cultural recognition of the public health crisis of pornography and sex trafficking. Their software services and free resources are a valuable help in the fight against pornography.

RECLAIM Sexual Health combines brain science in the light of faith to provide an anonymous, Catholic, science-based and comprehensive recovery program from pornography and other problematic sexual compulsions. It combines recent discoveries in brain science, psychology, addiction recovery and is in accord with the Catholic Church teaching on sexuality. Their program incorporates faith, the sacraments and intercessory prayer. RECLAIM Sexual Health is an initiative of Elizabeth Ministry International and The Most Reverend David L. Ricken, Bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay and has the bishop’s imprimatur. The RECLAIM Sexual Health web site also provides many additional resources.
"As a psychiatrist with 25 years of clinical practice, my careful review of every aspect of RECLAIM-Sexual Health has led me to conclude that RECLAIM is a most effective online program for helping persons who are struggling to be free of Internet pornography addiction." - Sister Marysia Weber, R.S.M., D.O. Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan
Go to the RECLAIM Sexual Health web site to learn more about their recovery program and to view a video overview found on the home page.
Also, you can view the RECLAIM Sexual Health mini course that is available online.

STRIVE is a powerful 21-Day Challenge (videos, written content, worksheets) by Matt Fradd that helps men understand why they go to porn in the first place, why they should break-free, and how to do so. STRIVE provides a highly effective resource that equips men with the knowledge, tools, and accountability needed to quit porn and begin to live the life to which God is calling them. For a limited time, STRIVE is free and participation can be anonymous.

Protect Young Eyes is a parental control and technology education organization founded by Internet Safety expert Chris McKenna, built especially for parents and caregivers. Their website explains how to monitor social media, how to make kids predator proof, how to identify screen time addiction, and so much more. Their resources page provides a variety of information, plus reviews of hardware solutions and the various parental controls available.

In response to the United States Council of Catholic Bishops' "Create in Me a Clean Heart", document, Clean Heart Online is an educational website that provides resources for clergy, parents, educators, and those who struggle with pornography. Available content includes video courses, online certification, information regarding local diocesan training workshops, local counselors and more.

Integrity Restored is a Catholic initiative whose mission is to help restore the integrity of individuals, spouses, and families that have been affected by pornography and pornography addiction. Integrity Restored provides education, training, encouragement, and resources to break free from pornography, heal relationships, and to assist parents in preventing and responding to pornography exposure which is so devastating in the lives of our children. They are also a resource that trains and helps clergy in assisting families at the parish level, so that the domestic church truly becomes what it is, the human space in which we encounter Christ.

For Your Marriage was launched as part of the National Pastoral Initiative for Marriage, an initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to communicate the meaning and value of married life for the Church and for society. For Your Marriage helps couples at all stages of life to understand and live God’s plan for happy, holy marriages by providing educational and spiritual resources. For Your Marriage provides a page addressing pornography.

The Enough is Enough® mission is to make the internet safer for children and families. They are dedicated to promoting child dignity in the digital world by raising public awareness about the harms of Internet pornography, sexual predators, cyberbullying, sex trafficking and other dangers.

The Faith and Safety - Technology Safety Through the Eyes of Faith web site is a resource guide provided through a collaboration between The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. the site attempts to provide parents simple, straightforward advice and tools on how to navigate this digital world with their families.

Meg Meeker, M.D., is a popular speaker and bestselling author of several books equipping parents and children with the tools necessary for health and happiness. She is considered the country’s leading authority on parenting, teens, and children’s health and has been featured on national media such as Relevant Radio, NPR, Oprah Radio, The Today Show on NBC, TED talks and many others.
In addition to her bestselling books, in 2019 Dr. Meg Meeker founded the Meeker Parenting website, blog, and podcast containing a variety of parenting topics and resources. ”There is a lot of parenting advice out there, and I can say that a whole lot of it isn’t based on medical, psychological or time-tested truth. My advice is, and that matters.” – Dr. Meg Meeker
Books and electronic documents

“Create in Me a Clean Heart” is a document produced by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops in 2015, addressing the corrosive damaged caused by pornography that affects all parts of society. The document begins with an overview of the Church’s teaching on sexuality, the human person, and chastity, then moves into discussing why pornography is sinful and its harmful effects. The document concludes with a word of hope and healing to those harmed by pornography.

“Pornography Harms Everyone” is a short web article from the United States Council of Catholic Bishops that also contains links to other documents and audio talks.

"Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters - 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know" strongly reinforces just how important a father’s influence is on his daughter’s life, for good or ill, and how dangerous this world can be for girls whose fathers aren’t there to protect them, guide them, and even fight for them. It shows, in the face of the popular culture, that strong dads are essential for strong daughters.

"Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men" provides encouragement, education, and essential advice, empowering mothers to find the strength and confidence to raise extraordinary sons, so that they will become the men they are meant to be.

“Equipped – Smart Catholic Parenting in a Sexualized Culture” is a document created by Covenant Eyes that is both a theological and practical guide to help parents guide and protect children on matters of human sexuality pornography, all in the light of Catholic teaching. The document is endorsed by the Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, OFM Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia. To access the document, go to the Covenant Eyes web site, click the Resources link and then the Family Protection link, then download the Equipped document and specify to download the Catholic Edition.

“Confident: Helping Parents Navigate Online Exposure” provides practical advice for any Catholic family regardless of whether a young person is actively looking at pornography or not. The document guides a parent through discussing pornography and sexuality with their children. To access the document, go to the Covenant Eyes web site, click the Resources link and then the Family Protection link, then download the Confident document and specify to download the Catholic Edition.

“Connected: How Strong Family Relationships Lead to Internet-Safe Kids” is a proactive resource that explores how a strong family connection can protect children and teens from the dangers of hidden pornography use. It contains real-life stories and practical tips for maintaining or re-establishing connection in your family. Connected will strengthen your relationship with God, your spouse, and your children, so your family can live free of pornography.

Good Picture Bad Pictures - Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids by Kristen Jenson provides parents a comfortable way to talk with their kids about pornography. Featuring easy-to-understand science and simple analogies, this internationally-acclaimed book engages young kids to porn-proof their own brains.

“Your Brain on Porn” is a document created by Covenant Eyes that presents 5 proven ways pornography warps the mind, and 3 biblical ways to renew it.

“The Porn Circuit” is a document created by Covenant Eyes that helps understand the brain and helps break porn habits in 90 days.

“The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography” by Matthew Fradd is a non-religious response to the commonly held belief that pornography is a harmless or even beneficial pastime. Author Matt Fradd draws on the experience of porn performers and users, and the expertise of neurologists, sociologists, and psychologists to demonstrate that pornography is destructive to individuals, relationships, and society. He provides insightful arguments, supported by the latest scientific research, to discredit the fanciful claims used to defend and promote pornography.
Software applications and filters
Accountability groups

Reborn is a fraternal accountability group based in the Twin Cities for men age 18 and older who desire to break free from the bonds of pornography and are ready to take the necessary steps. Reborn provides confidential help and support from men who know the struggle firsthand and have found hope and recovery in each other and in Christ.